Singkatnya Audicity adalah sebuah software open source, yang dikembangkan oleh The Audacity Team. dan pertama kali dirilis pada 28 Mei Tahun 2000, dan sudah tersedia dalam beberapa Bahasa yang tersedia untuk beberapa platform PC seperti Windows, Mac, dsb. soft ini pertama kali dikembangkan oleh Dominic Mazzoni dan Roger Dannenberg di universitas Carnegie Mellon University. software ini sempat menjadi software yang paling banyak di download di SourceForge. aplikasi ini juga dapat mengedit dan memutar atau memainkan
audio berformat WAV, AIFF, MP3 dan OGG. dan dapat juga memotong, mengcopy, dan mendapat fitur undo tak terbatas, dan masih banyak lagi. software ini sangatlah mudah di gunakan dan sangat user interface atau user fredly, software ini memiliki fitur yang cukup banyak dan memiliki ukuran yang cukup kecil bagi audio editor. versi terbaru ini di update pada tanggal 21 Oktober 2013, yang saya suka dari apps ini adalah mudah digunakan dan sangat bermanfaat yang ada dalam kategori efek seperti mengubah kecepatan musik, tempo, dan masih banyak lagi, bagaimana sobat tertaik dengan software ini, langsung saja kita keinfo lain dari software satu ini, silahkan perhatukan ulasan berikut. Intinya mengedit data yang berhubungan dengan musik..
ScreenShot :
What's New In Audacity:
Bug fixes :
- Shaped dither was corrupted and too loud on all stereo exports except FLAC.
- Keyboard Preferences: some Edit and Align commands for different sub-menus showed the same name.
- Recordings stopped with "Stop and Set Cursor" shortcut could not be undone.
- In locales that use comma for decimal separator:
- Text boxes with slider in Nyquist effects only produced whole numbers when using comma to enter a fractional number. Text boxes without slider still have this problem.
- Built-in generators produced silence after running a Nyquist effect.
- (Windows) When first changing to Windows WASAPI host, the input volume slider in Mixer Toolbar was enabled when it should have been permanently disabled.
- (Windows) On some machines, launching Audacity then recording from the current Device Toolbar input would not record until the input was reselected.
- (OS X) Frequent crashes occurred on importing audio files on some machines.
- (OS X) Files did not open using Finder "Open with", double-clicking the file or dragging the file to the Audacity icon.
- (Linux 64-bit) Fixed a crash when using Equalization.
- (Linux) It was not possible to open an effect or other dialog then navigate through the dialog using TAB.
- (Linux) The Play shortcut did not play a read-directly WAV, AIFF or FLAC import if the warning for importing uncompressed files appeared.
- Tracks Menu:
- The separate commands that aligned track start or end with the cursor or with selection start are combined into "Cursor/Selection Start" commands.
- "Align and Move Cursor" renamed to "Move Selection when Aligning".
- Label Tracks:
- Labels Editor now allows empty labels to be saved on closing the editor.
- TAB and SHIFT+TAB when the label track has focus now always move forwards or backwards respectively to the nearest label.
- (Windows) On a very few machines, the Windows WDM-KS low latency audio host introduced in Audacity 2.0.4 caused Audacity to hang or the computer to crash. WDM-KS has been removed from 2.0.5 until it can be safely enabled.
- (Windows and OS X) Screen reader improvements for Install VST Effects dialog.
- (OS X) Audio Unit plug-ins detected by Audacity on launch are now not loaded until chosen from the Effect menu. This should speed up launch and avoid crashes at launch due to misbehaving Audio Units.
- (Linux) Update to PortAudio r1910 fixes memory and other bugs under ALSA.
- (Linux) Applied fix for wxGTK 2.8.12 bug which resulted in loss of Audacity's menu bar (or visual corruption under Unity) on Debian-based systems.
Features of Audacity:1. Recording
- Device Toolbar manages multiple input and output devices.
- Level meters can monitor volume levels before, during and after recording. Clipping can be displayed in the waveform or in a label track.
- Record from microphone, line input, USB/Firewire devices and others.
- Record computer playback on Windows Vista and later by choosing "Windows WASAPI" host in Device Toolbar then a "loopback" input.
- Timer Record and Sound Activated Recording features.
- Dub over existing tracks to create multi-track recordings.
- Record at very low latencies on supported devices on Linux by using Audacity with JACK.
- Record at sample rates up to 192,000 Hz (subject to appropriate hardware and host selection). Up to 384,000 Hz is supported for appropriate high-resolution devices on Mac OS X and Linux.
- Record at 24-bit depth on Windows (using Windows WASAPI host), Mac OS X or Linux (using ALSA or JACK host).
- Record multiple channels at once (subject to appropriate hardware).
- Import and export WAV, AIFF, AU, FLAC and Ogg Vorbis files.
- Fast "On-Demand" import of WAV or AIFF files (letting you start work with the files almost immediately) if read directly from source.
- Import and export all formats supported by libsndfile such as GSM 6.10, 32-bit and 64-bit float WAV and U/A-Law.
- Import MPEG audio (including MP2 and MP3 files) using libmad.
- Import raw (headerless) audio files using the "Import Raw" command.
- Create WAV or AIFF files suitable for burning to audio CD.
- Export MP3 files with the optional LAME encoder library.
- Import and export AC3, M4A/M4R (AAC) and WMA with the optional FFmpeg library (this also supports import of audio from video files).
- Supports 16-bit, 24-bit and 32-bit (floating point) samples (the latter preserves samples in excess of full scale).
- Sample rates and formats are converted using high-quality resampling and dithering.
- Tracks with different sample rates or formats are converted automatically in real time.
- Easy editing with Cut, Copy, Paste and Delete.
- Unlimited sequential Undo (and Redo) to go back any number of steps.
- Edit and mix large numbers of tracks.
- Multiple clips are allowed per track.
- Label tracks with selectable Sync-Lock Tracks feature for keeping tracks and labels synchronized.
- Draw Tool to alter individual sample points.
- Envelope Tool to fade the volume up or down smoothly.
- Automatic Crash Recovery in the event of abnormal program termination.
- Tracks and selections can be fully manipulated using the keyboard.
- Large range of keyboard shortcuts.
- Excellent support for JAWS, NVDA and other screen readers on Windows, and for VoiceOver on Mac.
- Change the pitch without altering the tempo (or vice-versa).
- Remove static, hiss, hum or other constant background noises.
- Alter frequencies with Equalization, Bass and Treble, High/Low Pass and Notch Filter effects.
- Adjust volume with Compressor, Amplify, Normalize, Fade In/Fade Out and Adjustable Fade effects.
- Remove Vocals from suitable stereo tracks.
- Create voice-overs for podcasts or DJ sets using Auto Duck effect.
- Other built-in effects include:
- Echo
- Paulstretch (extreme stretch)
- Phaser
- Reverb
- Reverse
- Truncate Silence
- Wahwah
- Run "Chains" of effects on a project or multiple files in Batch Processing mode.
- Support for LADSPA, Nyquist, VST and Audio Unit effect plug-ins.
- Effects written in the Nyquist programming language can be easily modified in a text editor - or you can even write your own plug-in.
- Spectrogram view modes for visualizing frequencies.
- "Plot Spectrum" command for detailed frequency analysis.
- "Sample Data Export" for exporting a file containing amplitude values for each sample in the selection.
- Contrast Analysis for analyzing average rms volume differences between foreground speech and background music.
- Support for adding VAMP analysis plug-ins.
- Licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
- Runs on Windows, Mac OS X and GNU/Linux.
Password : k0r@nk@r3n
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